Here you will find out about the Salisbury Christadelphians, what we believe and how we meet together.
We believe Jesus Christ is going to return SOON and establish God's Kingdom. This will bring many changes to our world which may be confronting. Thankfully, the Bible reveals alot of detail about this great event and refers to it as the "good news"!
God has offered an amazing hope of eternal life to anyone who will read His Word. We would love to help you in gaining a better understanding of God, His Ways, His purpose and Character as He reveals it to us in His Word, the Bible.
Allow the Bible to change your life!

We are LIVE on radio every Tuesday evening at 8.30pm discussing various bible topics on our program
89.7FM or listen LIVE here

Featured Video's
An Intelligent Designer & the Origin of Life
In this presentation we ask the question "Can science and the Bible agree?"
As we explore this subject we show that the complexity of our finely tuned bodies and universe point to a Creator, the God of the Bible.
Watch to see why it makes sense to believe the God of the Bible created us and everything around us for a reason!
Is Death really the End?
The age old question and one humans have struggled with for millennia.
We show from the Bible that the answer is a simple one yet one that implores each of us to consider the worth of our life and position before God.