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Want to read the Bible but it all seems a bit daunting? Don't worry, we understand, and we'd love to help you read it for yourself to gain maximum benefit.


Here are some handy tips we have put together that will hopefully aid you in being able to read and understand the Bible:



Read and re-read!

We cannot stress this enough. Familiarity is your friend and will help you feel more comfortable with the terminology of the Bible. This will also help you to remember phrases which you may come across in other parts of the Bible.


​Read from an accurate translation.

There are many translations at our fingertips these days and they aren't all equal! We recommend a translation like the New King James Version (NKJV), English Standard Version (ESV), American Standard Version (ASV) or the New International Version (NIV) as a starting point.


The Bible has the answers!

So many of our questions that arise when we are reading the Bible are actually answered IN the Bible. It will take some determination and researching to find some of them out, and this is where a concordance (more on that later) can help you. Also, read everything in its true context, rather than just taking specific verses out of context.


Listen for echoes.

When carefully reading the Bible we will sometimes remember a word, group of words or idea from another section. These echoes are important to take notice of because they can help us to connect intended themes and idea's that God wants us to appreciate, as we come to understand His Word more.


There are many Bible study tools and aid's.

The Bible was originally written mainly in Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament). Even though we have English translations, it is helpful to look back at the definitions and implications of the original words. Not only can this help us authenticate the accuracy of a translation but it can also aid us in understanding the true meaning of God's Word.


Use a Bible that has cross references.

If you can get your hands on one, we recommend using a Bible with a cross reference margin, or use an online bible with a cross references function. Cross references are links to other parts of the Bible where the translators have found similar words or ideas. This can greatly help you connect the Word of God together.




If you would like to know more about Bible study aids or if you have any questions about reading the Bible, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us via the contact page.


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